12 Bar Grating Uses and Applications

bar grating can be used in many different ways, both commercially and residentially. Below are twelve uses and applications for bar grating.
Bar grating can be used to create catwalks. A catwalk, in the industrial sense, is a narrow walkway that provides safe access to work areas that may be elevated or not easily accessible. Bar grating is extremely durable and reliable, making it the perfect choice for catwalks with a lot of foot traffic. If your workplace is looking to install a catwalk, bar grating is the best material of choice.
Bar grating can be used to create sturdy fences. Bar grating makes a great fence material because it is incredibly sturdy and durable. The small holes in the bars allow for visibility into the fence, making it safer for pedestrians who are near or around the fence. Not only do bar grating fences prevent people from crossing into an area that they shouldn’t, but they also prevent things like animals and children from entering an area that may not be safe for them.
Fire Escapes
Bar grating is a great material to use when constructing fire escape ladders. Bar grating allows for visibility, making it a safe escape route from a fire. Because the material is very sturdy, it can be used to hoist people out of harm’s way. Search and rescue teams often use bar grating in order to make their life saving ladders. Fire departments across the country often utilize bar grating when constructing ladders that are intended to be used in emergency situations.
Loading Ramps
Bar grating can be used to create loading ramps. Loading ramps help load heavy equipment onto trucks and into other vehicles for transport. Loading ramps are important because they keep workers from injuring themselves by lifting and moving the equipment without help from another person or machine.
Bar grating can be used to create secure, sturdy stairs. Bar grating is well known for its sturdiness, which makes it the perfect material for stairs. Because the material isn’t slippery, bar grating makes a great choice for indoor and outdoor steps.
Bar grating is a great platform material because of how sturdy and durable it is. The small holes in the bars allow for ventilation and visibility of people around the platform, making sure that any workers on the platform are safe from harm. Bar grating allows for clear visibility of people entering and exiting the platform so that safety precautions can be taken by workers to ensure that accidents don’t occur.
Bridge Sidewalks
Bar grating can be used to create sturdy bridge sidewalks. Sidewalks are important because they allow people to avoid walking in the road. Bar grating makes a great sidewalk material because it is incredibly sturdy and durable. The small holes in the bars allow for ventilation of people walking on the bridges, making sure that workers are safe when entering and exiting the bridges.
Window Guards
Bar grating is a great material for window guards because of how sturdy it is. Bar grating is great for window guards because it prevents people from climbing into homes or offices through windows from outside of the building.
Trench Covers
Bar grating can be used to create strong trench covers. Bar grating is great for covering trenches because it prevents heavy equipment and vehicles from falling into the trenches.
Ladder Treads
Bar grating can be used as treads on ladders. Ladder treads are important in preventing people from slipping and falling off of ladders. Just like a stairway, bar grating is great for ladder treads because it allows for people to see where they are walking and what they are stepping on. The material helps protect workers from injuries due to slipping or tripping, making bar grating a popular material for ladder treads across the world in construction and rescue teams.
Mezzanine Floors
Bar grating can be used to create mezzanine floors. A mezzanine, in the industrial sense, is an open space on a higher level than the ground, often found in warehouses and factories. Bar grating is great for creating mezzanines because it keeps workers from falling through suspended floors. Bar grating makes a great material for creating mezzanines because it keeps workers safe and secure above the ground, making it safer when working around machinery or heavy equipment.
Dipping Trays
Bar grating can be used as dipping trays for ocean buoys, missiles, and ammunition boxes. Dipping trays are used to keep ammunition safe from damage and remain stable while in storage. Bar grating is great because it allows for easy visibility into dipping trays, which keeps workers and other people safe from harm.
Peterson Company provides high-quality bar grating for industries in the United States.