3 Reasons Why You Need Commercial Asbestos Removal

Several industries, including agriculture, oil, gas, and manufacturing, are affected by asbestos. That’s why commercial asbestos removal in Oklahoma City, OK, is pertinent. Did you know Oklahoma ranks 33rd in the US for the most asbestos-related death?
This is because Oklahoma is a top-5 producer of oil and natural gas in the US, and this industry involves the most fireproofing and heat protection, including asbestos in older buildings. Moreover, since Oklahoma relies heavily on agriculture, mills and food factories use asbestos while processing harvested crops.
Reading this article, you will know the importance of commercial asbestos removal, as it will elucidate the dangers of asbestos exposure in detail.
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is essentially the name for six natural minerals. They are used in manufacturing and construction for several reasons. For instance, they are flexible and resistant to fire, heat, electricity, and chemicals. So, they are used extensively in the oil, gas, agriculture, automotive, and textile industries.
Unfortunately, when the fibers from asbestos separate easily into tiny pieces, they are small to see and easy to breathe in. They can cause health problems as they build up in your lungs.
Moreover, asbestos use in Oklahoma in the 1900s was at its peak. Even though all new asbestos use has been banned currently, the ones developed before 1989 are still legal.
What a prolonged asbestos exposure does?
Now that you know what asbestos is, you might wonder what prolonged exposure to asbestos does, isn’t it?
You’d be shocked to know that it is often impossible to realize asbestos exposure until it is too late. However, here’s a list of symptoms to look for if you’ve been exposed to asbestos for an extended period:
- Wheezing and hoarseness
- Neck and face swelling
- Swallowing issues
- Fatigue
- Anemia
- Coughing blood
- Tightness and pain in your chest
- Lingering and worsening cough
- Feeling breathless and the illusion of not getting enough air
When you get exposed to asbestos over long periods, you will probably know the illness only after 10 to 40 years. You risk facing the following illnesses.
- Mesothelioma- is a disease that affects your lungs, chest, and abdomen lining. It causes a fluid buildup around your lungs in the earlier stages.
- Asbestosis- affects the lungs adversely and causes cough, breathing difficulties, and even permanent lung damage.
- Cancer- other than mesothelioma, the rare form of cancer, you might face cancers of the colon or digestive system.
Removing asbestos in commercial areas
When working in a commercial enterprise, you will get exposed to more than 1% asbestos. Even that is considered unsafe. Furthermore, the longer you are exposed to asbestos, the more you are at risk for the illness mentioned above.
That’s why you need to take adequate steps to remove asbestos in your commercial areas. There are two ways to go about it:
- Remove the asbestos-containing material entirely.
- Alternatively, encapsulate the material and seal them properly to avoid fibers escaping.
Oklahoma being the 33rd city in the US with several asbestos-related deaths, commercial asbestos removal in Oklahoma City, OK, is crucial. Asbestos is naturally found on earth. However, when its fibers break down, they are invisible and can cause many health issues.
Particularly, they cause health issues like mesothelioma, asbestosis, and cancer. Moreover, these illnesses are not evident until very late. You might face symptoms like cough, throat swelling, anemia, and other symptoms much later.
So, you need to hire asbestos removal companies to help remove asbestos-containing materials or seal them effectively so that no fibers escape.