3 Successful Strategies for Eliminating Pond Algae

A pond can be a lovely property asset or a murky liability. If you are having algae problems in your pond, it may signal that deeper, invisible issues lurk below the surface. Chemical imbalances and low oxygen concentrations can cause algae overgrowth and other aquatic deficits. A simple lake management program is the best solution for aquatic weed control. The even better news is that a well-designed strategy will do more than control the algae; it will improve your overall aquatic ecosystem.
- Address the Algae You See
If you start aquatic interventions while your pond is full of algae, it is difficult to make progress. You may want to take steps to eradicate the existing algae first. A garden center or do-it-yourself store will have algaecides and natural remedies that temporarily eliminate algae. If your algae problem is significant, It may be important to consult a local pond management specialist to help you choose the right strategy for removing the existing algae.
- Increase Oxygen Levels
Once you have begun removing the excessive algae growth, you can start improving the water’s oxygen concentrations. Algae overgrowth generally means low oxygen levels. A good aeration system will help prevent algae from returning and make your pond healthier in general. Ponds are usually aerated with bubblers or fountain aerators. Your local aquatic expert can evaluate your site and help you choose the best type and size of aerator.
- Balance Water Chemistry
A pond will thrive if it has adequate oxygen and balanced chemistry. The right concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous can help ward off invasive algae growth. You can have a pond specialist test your water or obtain a self-test kit to get a baseline chemistry panel. The results will tell you whether you need to supplement with additional nutrients.
Left unattended, algae growth can compromise your pond’s health and contribute to other systemic problems. Adequate aeration and proper chemical balance discourage algae growth and are the keys to achieving a clear, shimmering pond you will be proud of.