4 Reasons To Upgrade Your Business’s Computer Network

Is your business running as efficiently as it could be? Along with following a budget and assigning your employees to the tasks best suited to them, take a look at your computer network. Even if you have brand-new computers, they may not be working as effectively as they could with an old, slow network. There are several reasons why an upgrade may be in order.
- Cybersecurity Concerns
An older network can be more vulnerable to cyberattacks. While you may assume your business is too small to be a target, in fact, experts state that over 60% of data breaches and other attacks are on businesses classified as small to medium-sized. Modern networks can have security features embedded in them to reduce the risks of an attack.
- Outdated Cables
Your office building’s wiring may have been state of the art when it first was put in, but new systems require new cables. If you aren’t running on cat 5 cable NYC NY or better, then your network is probably not as fast as it could be. Replacing both your wired and your wireless access points can speed everything up.
- App and Device Trouble
Modern software and hardware are often designed with modern internet connections in mind. Things like cloud services and VoIP phone systems typically require speedy and secure internet access. If your network is too slow, your programs and devices may not be running as well as they could be, and you may not be able to take advantage of all their features.
- Overworked IT Teams
As with almost any technology, the older a network is, the more fixes it requires. If your IT team seems to be spending all its time just working to keep your network functioning, it’s time to replace it with something more reliable.
Your business and employees need speedy and reliable internet access to work. Make sure your network is up to date and up to the tasks required of it.