5 Risk Factors Of Centrax Addiction

Sometimes it is not necessarily a person’s choice to get addicted to a drug. You must be thinking that I am wrong. However, I am not. Sometimes a person gets addicted to the drugs that are being used for his/her long-term treatment.
There are some medicines such as painkillers, anti-depressants, etc. that are addictive. Centrax is one of them. It is a prescription benzodiazepine also known as Prazepam. It is usually used to treat anxiety in the short term.
Centrex is primarily a sedative in its quality with muscle relaxant properties. It is highly risky when taken for a prolonged period of time. The following are some of the high-risk factors.
The prolong use of Centrax causes confusion in the victim. They often have trouble telling the time and date apart during the Centrax consumption period. Centrax has a direct effect on the user’s brain and nervous system that’s why confusion is one of the main factors.
Just like all the other drugs, Centrax too affects the daily activity of the user. At first, these are minor confusion followed by laziness. After prolonged use, this turns in to extreme lethargy during which the user struggles even with the normal daily routine tasks.
Issue With Memory:
Drugs have a way to impact short term memory which in extreme cases effects long term as well. Some drugs have such a strong irreversible effect on memory which cannot be treated. Centrax is one of them, it has a strong impact on the short term memory. People who use it will have concentration and memory problems after some time.
Slurred Speech:
As the Centrax has sedatives and muscle relaxants as one of the main outcomes of using it, slurred speech is an obvious result. Due to the effect on the nervous system of the body, users of Centrax often encounter speech issues such as slurring and stuttering during a speech.
Walking and Coordination:
As I have mentioned above, this drug directly hits the nervous system. The nervous system of the body is responsible for all the systems of the body including the moto reactions. Using such drugs affects the motor skills such as walking, writing, etc.
The addiction problem should be nipped in the bud, the sooner the better. If you or someone you know is suffering from centrax addiction then do get help as soon as possible.