7 Tips Where To Hang Memorial Wind Chimes At Home
Bringing beautiful sounds to the home of the bereaved, memorial wind chimes are one of the best sympathy gifts out there. Apart from serving as a way to remember a departed loved one, they create a peaceful environment and enhance your space’s warm and inviting appeal.
Did you receive one as a homage to a loved one who passed away? We’ve rounded up seven tips on where to hang wind chimes at home.
Hang it on your porch or garden. Wind chimes will only produce sounds if there’s a breeze passing through. It’s why you can find many of these chimes hanging outside — whether it’s in the garden or just right outside a home (e.g., porch or balcony). Just be careful about its placement. According to feng shui traditions, wind chimes should never be placed directly above a door so as not to hinder positive energy from flowing into your home.
If you’re hanging it inside, place it near the window. If you want to hang memorial wind chimes inside your home (for instance, your bedroom), make sure that it’s placed near windows or balcony entrances. Ideally, this is a location where the wind can reach your chimes more easily. Hence, there’s a higher chance that your chimes can sound off fuller, more beautiful tunes.
Consider hanging it in the center of your home. In some houses, chimes are placed in the center of a home. Many people believe that chimes have the capacity to harmonize the so-called five elements — wood, metal, fire, water, and earth. And if they’re at the center of a space, they have a better chance of attaining this balance. Acoustically speaking, hanging it in the center will also make it easier for their sounds to be heard all over your place.
Take into account which material was used for the chime. A wind chime can be made of metal, wood, and ceramic. And in certain traditions, the material of the chime should be considered when choosing where it will be installed. For instance, metal wind chimes are recommended to be put in the North, West, or North West portions of your home to maximize good luck. For bamboo chimes, the ideal locations include the entrance of your home and your child’s bedroom (if you have a child).
Avoid hanging them where there are obstructions. Intuitively, you should place a wind chime where the wind can reach it. But you also have to make sure that no object might obstruct or divert the flow of the breeze. So if you’re hanging it on your porch, for instance, don’t hang it near a tall plant. If you’re placing it in a bedroom window, that window shouldn’t have a screen.
Know the proper way of hanging your wind chime. When hanging a wind chime, you have to hang it directly from the knot hook or ring included in the package. Only use what’s instructed by the manufacturer’s manual. If you add a string, for example, it can upset the balance of the whole wind chime. It can also lower the height, affecting the quality of sound that the chime will produce.
Change its location depending on the season. In some months, the blowing of the wind may be harsher in one location in your home. This is why many homeowners tend to hang their chimes in different areas depending on the season. This is important in maximizing the lifespan of your wind chime.