Being Destructive in a Safe and Organized Fashion
Sometimes you need a little destruction in your life. Whether you’re watching a precariously perched Jenga tower fall or a 1,000-degree knife cut through seemingly indestructible objects, people like watching things get destroyed or fall apart. Here are a few of the most effective and satisfying ways to do that.
Like the 1,000-degree knife mentioned earlier, several kinds of knives are used for all sorts of purposes. If you’re looking for a more precise cut from a blade that can be utilized in many different situations, metal blades from a company like Allison might be the way to go. However, if you’d rather have a blade for aesthetic purposes but can still be used, small switchblade pocket knives have become a popular option recently. They are usually fairly cheap and they come in a range of different colors and designs to fit anyone’s taste.
Any blunt object can theoretically do the same work as a hammer, but hammers provide a level of efficiency that other tools don’t. Larger hammers, like sledgehammers, are often used for small-scale demolition purposes. If you’re looking to break down some drywall or force your way into a locked box or room on your property, sledgehammers are an incredibly satisfying way to accomplish that. They tend to be a bit on the heavier side, but as long as you have a bit of muscle and endurance, your sledgehammer skills should be able to take down or break open whatever you need.
Wrecking Balls
While not typically available for public consumption, even seeing a video of a wrecking ball taking down a building in one fell swoop can be satisfying. Sadly, wrecking balls are rarely used anymore after researchers found that it was releasing massive amounts of deadly asbestos into the air. However, that does not mean they are never used anymore. On rare occasions, demolition companies will still use a modern, pear-shaped wrecking ball when they deem it necessary. If you ever get the chance to see a wrecking ball in action, do it, but make sure to follow the safety guidelines put in place.
Before going out and destroying things with reckless abandon, it is important to learn to be safe with the objects you’re using. Knife safety, general tool safety, and heavy machinery safety are not to be taken lightly. Once you feel that you are educated enough to keep yourself and others safe, then consider going gout and causing a little organized destruction when necessary.