5 Tips To Keep Your Boat In Good Shape
If you have a boat, you probably spent quite a bit of money on it. Like a car, boats require consistent maintenance in order to ensure it runs at an optimal level. Here are five tips to help you keep your boat in tip-top shape.
Don’t Ignore The Engine
The engine on your boat is incredibly important. As such, it requires a close eye to make sure it gets looked over every 50-100 running hours. When you hit this milestone, make sure to do a full oil change in order to keep things clean. It’s also important to check the engine for oil leaks. If there is an issue, you’ll want to take it in for repairs in order to avoid any additional damage to the engine.
You also want to check for other types of fluid leaks such as gasoline. It’s also a good idea to check the spd gas springs shocks to make sure they don’t need repair or replacing.
Flush The Engine
After having fun on the water, or after a fishing trip is over, it’s always a good idea to completely flush the engine with fresh water after every outing. Most modern engines have a built-in flush watering system, but if not, follow your manufacturer guidelines on how to do this without damaging the engine.
Prop Check
Before you put the boat in the water, it’s always a good idea to check the prop. Make sure to inspect the pin and prop nut for any looseness as you want it to be secure. It’s also important to make sure the prop is free from any debris before you turn the engine on as a prop that is blocked by debris and end up damaging it.
Wipe It Down
After having fun, it’s easy to let fatigue get the best of you. After every outing, make sure to wipe down the boat, including soft and hard surfaces. This will help your boat interior to last longer, and will keep the exterior from staining, yellowing, or fading.
Inspect Flooring
Boats get water in them, it is inevitable. Because of this, checking the flooring for bulging spots or rot is important to keeping your floors in ship shape.
As you can see, these tips are important when it comes to proper boat maintenance. If you take care of your boat, it will ultimately take care of you by reducing the chance of more costly repairs if left unattended.