Facts About Valve Exercisers

Water system mains remain in good working order thanks to valve exercisers. Exercisers work by applying torque to a valve stem, so it doesn’t seize up. Motor-operated valves often have a ratchet mechanism to keep them from shutting down after exercising. In addition, some manual cranks only need physical effort, but others also use a lever with a rotor that depresses the valve stem. Valve exercisers maintain valves that control water flow and control it only when needed, such as hydrants.
Why Are Valve Exercisers Necessary?
Valves must be open at all times to allow emergency workers access in the event of an emergency. A valve maintenance system also assists with providing clean drinking water. Valve exercisers are responsible for operating valves and other necessary flow control devices that exist in water systems. Valve exercisers composed of steel can endure the corrosion that is endemic to water systems.
Which Professions Use Valve Exercisers?
Enterprises that use water, such as golf courses, large utilities, and municipalities employ valve exercisers. Plumbers use valve exercisers in older residences or structures because they often experience pipe-freeze.
How Do Valve Exerciser Designs Differ?
- Valve Rig – Commonly used in mining, construction, and other workplaces where increased power is required. Rigs are available in electric drive, pneumatic, and hydraulic designs.
- Valve Turner – A valve turner is a tool used to open or close a water valve. It’s equipped with a lever and a bearing that depresses the valve stem to provide moderate torque. Emergency workers frequently work with valve turners.
- Valve Exerciser – Applies low amounts of valve stem torque, preventing the tool from seizing up. Valve exercisers maintain hydrants and other water systems.
As you can see, valve exercisers maintain water system valves, mains, and hydrants. Maintenance technicians, emergency services personnel, and plumbers use these tools. Valve exercisers keep valves in working order, so they are accessible during emergencies.