The Different Types of Dewatering Pumps

Dewatering pumps are used in many industries, but they all work on the same basic principle of creating a vacuum. This can be done by using either centrifugal force or lift. Some types of dewatering pumps include:
Centrifugal Pumps
These use centrifugal action to create fluid velocity that sucks up fluids into the pump. They then pass these through screens before discharging them to another tank or into the sewer system. The materials that are discharged depend upon the size of the screens fitted. These types of dewatering pumps will only handle free-flowing liquids without debris because if there is solid matter flowing with the liquid, it may damage the valve assemblies or impellers inside. Centrifugal pumps come in a variety of sizes depending on the application required.
Tower Pumps
These are used where large amounts of water need to be moved a short distance from one tank to another. The materials that they handle depend upon the size. They also include screens, but their suction levels mean that they can remove solids without them causing damage to components inside the pump. In the same way as centrifugal pumps, these ranges will vary in type and capacity depending on their job.
Lift Pumps
These Dewater Pumps have two main applications: drainage and sludge removal. They work by using a mechanism that automatically adjusts itself to provide enough downward pressure for liquids to flow through but stops any solids from entering. This is done by using a flap valve that closes when the pump is not used. This also keeps the liquid inside the pump while being transported to its destination.
Rotary Pumps
These are used to move liquids with solid particles in them. They work by using an impeller fitted with blades that rotate at high speeds. This causes the liquid to be thrown outwards and into the discharge pipe. The rotating action means that these types of dewatering pumps can handle abrasive materials and have a high viscosity level without causing damage.
Many types of dewatering pumps available will suit any application necessary. It all comes down to what type you need and how much water must be removed from each fluid. Water removal should always be done under controlled conditions to be reused or disposed of properly, which is why knowing about all types of dewatering pumps allows you to do your job more effectively.