Helping Friends that Misuse Alcohol

Friendships are not easy to sustain, especially if one of the friends is on the wrong path. However, as a good friend, the best thing to do in case of drug misuse and abuse is to be vocal and assertive about its demerits.
If you have a friend or friend who abuses alcohol and drugs, the best way to help them is to make sure they understand your displeasure and disapproval. Once you have voiced the issue, you should try to help the friend overcome the addiction by getting the help they need to beat such addiction.
Signs that a Friend is Abusing Drugs and Alcohol
Drug and alcohol abuse is not always pronounced. However, when one pays attention to their friends’ behaviors, they are likely to notice their struggles with substance abuse. Below are some of the most common symptoms f abuse tha should prompt you to swing into action. Fast identification helps with rapid diagnosis and potential support for recovery. This is when you can bring in Mallard Detox centre to help you support your friend on the journey.
You Will Notice Physical Changes
One of the first things that make it obvious when a friend struggles with addiction is their sudden carelessness regarding personal hygiene. They no longer care about cleanliness and may start having track marks and constant scratching.
It is also possible that they may start smelling from the accumulation of the drugs on their body, as well as body odor caused by dirt and sweat. If you attempt to get them hygienic and clean but fail to avail any fruits, they could be struggling with drug addiction.
You will Notice Psychological Changes
In most cases, the addicts suddenly lack motivation and have sudden excessive fear. Even if they were self-driven dn fearless before, they suddenly develop unexplained fear and mood swings. In some cases, it may develop depressive feelings that are difficult to identify.
Cognitive Issues Develop
You could also notice that the friend suddenly loses their cognitive prowess. They may start battling the loss of memory or lack of focus. Some even begin having low concentration pans and distracted attention spans. All these develop suddenly, and there never seems to be a reasonable explanation. Unless a solid report and diagnosis explain such symptoms, it is better to check for drug abuse and misuse.
Behavioral Changes Develop
These are the most conspicuous symptoms that always give the addict away. Yu will begin noticing strange behaviours starting with the choice of friends your friend starts making. It is also possible that their health will suddenly deteriorate, and they may even change their eating habits. Issues such as nausea, weight loss, and overall impoverishment of health development. They also struggle to keep old friends and start preferring new friends who are known addicts. Make sure to step in quickly and help them seek the help they need lest they get lost for good.
It is possible to help a friend that is struggling with addiction. The secret is to ensure they realize their mistake. Consider striking up a conversation and ensuring they are not offended while at it. It would be best if you were friendly and not judgemental. With time they may accept their struggles, and this is when you involve professionals to help them get started n their recovery journey. Call us for this kind of support.