Beware! Facebook Holds Your Secret

As more and more advanced security features are being curated in apps like Facebook, Snapchat, and WhatsApp, it increases the social and emotional gap between parents and children. Indulgence in unethical crimes is bound to have legal ramifications too. Such high-security features also encourage the malicious activities of hackers and cyber terrorists. However secret conversation feature of Facebook is not necessarily an alarm. Many a time, Facebook identifies some messages as spam which might not be one. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t notify you about such messages. However, you can access them using some cyber tools. So Track Secret Conversations on Facebook in just a few clicks.
What Are Secret Messages?
You must be aware of the vanish mode of Instagram. It allows the users to have private chats with others, and those messages don’t appear on the main chat screen. Similarly, Facebook allows you to have secret conversations. These secret messages can be sent to you by any known or unknown person, but the difference is that you won’t get any notification of such messages. So don’t forget to use this feature once a month! As per Facebook, not even Facebook sees them. However, such messages are legible by using the padlock feature just next to them.
How To Send Secret Conversations On Facebook
Before we proceed onto the ways of reading secret conversation, let’s look at how you can send such confidential conversations on Facebook messenger.
Step 1: Go to the “Me” icon at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2: Select the “Secret Conversations” option.
Step 3: A dialogue box will appear acknowledging that you want to start using the secret conversation feature. Press OK to continue.
Step 4: You can start using this feature and c set a timer for your messages, after which they will become secret and disappear.
How To Read Secret Conversations On Facebook
Step 1: Open Facebook Messenger
Step 2: You must be on the home page of the app.
Step 3: Click on “People” and go to the option of “Message Requests.”
Step 4: And here you are. You can see all the secret messages sent to you. To filter the messages, click on “see filtered requests”.
How Can You Track Others’ Secret Conversations On Facebook?
There are various ways by which you can track the secret conversations of other people on Facebook messenger. There are a few cyber paraphernalia for iOS and Android. Till now, you must have got it licked that how to view private Facebook?