Diamond and Diamond Alternatives You Should Know About

Diamond is for every occasion. Crystals form deep in the earth’s interior and it often takes a very long time for a crystal to form sometimes thousands or even millions of years. In order for crystals to form, the right conditions are required with regard to, among other things, temperature. Liquid magma moves inside the earth’s core, which is actually a liquid mineral. As the magma volcanic eruption moves upward toward the earth’s surface, it cools and different crystals can be formed depending on how quickly the temperature drops.
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Minerals have the task of balancing the earth’s energy flows and electromagnetic fields and minerals in the form of crystals can affect us in the same way. In order for a crystal to be able to grow freely, it needs some kind of cavity, which is formed by, among other things, movements in the earth’s interior. Over time, the crystal travels up to the surface of the earth. Depending on its composition
- How long it takes
- How hard the pressure is
- What temperature it is in the environment
The slower the magma cools, the larger the crystals become.
Aquamarine: Crystals form from minerals
Aquamarine is formed from minerals crystals. Deposits with crystals are often found in mountains or in river banks. They have been rising to the surface of the earth for a very long time. They can also reach the surface through volcanic eruptions.
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Minerals have the task of balancing the earth’s energy flows and electromagnetic fields and minerals in the form of crystals can affect us in the same way.
Different types of crystals
If the conditions change on the way up to the surface, another type of crystal may begin to grow on the first crystal and then change again if the conditions change again. This has happened when a crystal has embedded in itself such as phantom quartz. Similarly, one crystal may be inside another crystal, as is the case for, for example, rutile quartz. At the right temperature and pressure, an existing crystal can also be transformed into another type of crystal.
The properties of the crystals
Stones and crystals have been used for thousands of years for consciousness-raising, healing and magical purposes. Talismans and sacred things have been made of precious stones and crystals since ancient times. There is a long tradition of giving stones a symbolic value for letting it affect subconscious and unconscious currents in our interior.
Some believe that minerals have the task of balancing the earth’s energy flows and electromagnetic fields and that mineral in the form of crystals can affect us in the same way. Since crystals have a symmetrical and regular structure, they also emit a stable and balanced vibration which affects us in different ways. Its vibrations are said to strengthen our corresponding vibrations that we have in our energy field. The energies of the crystal are said to be used where they are needed and crystals can therefore have a healing effect on problems that we may not even be aware that we have. You can go for Morganite Engagement Rings for purchase. But before that you need to be sure of the material.
How It Affect Your Health
The substances in the crystal can also affect our body physically, such as the proportion of lithium in kunzit, which, among other things, has a calming effect. The influence of the crystals is also said to have to do with their color as colors are also vibrations that can affect us in different ways. The color of the crystal is said to affect the corresponding color in our chakra system and is said to be able to balance the chakra through its stable and harmonizing energy.
Distinguish the beryl
It is usual to distinguish the following beryl: aquamarine color of the sea wave, Augustine deep blue, order berries oily or not colored, heliodorus yellow, goshenit prismatic, colorless, genera the color of spring season or dense green). But the bitter-green it’s Chrysanthemum, it’s a real beryl. He helped in the study of philosophy and scientific research. Thanks to him the birch man becomes cheerful, cheerful and affable. In addition, this stone brings success in amateur affairs, and in ancient times it was considered a so-called foot only, as a use to treat female diseases. With the help of Chrysoberyl, ancient magicians tried to learn the animal and avian language, as well as to know the future.
The name beryl is of Latin origin and comes from the word Iwyllis. It is also called pardine, morganite, bixbit, Australian smear and goshenit. In the ancient barren state Rican was also called shfelom, vnrilom, verilosom and virnlionom.
The stone is an aluminum and beryllium silicate. Bile research is almost all the colors of the spectrum. In color they are divided into varieties: brown, or morganite, for example, pink, emerald or emerald – grassy-green, gellodorus yellow, golden, bixbit red. Crystals of green and green and yellow and white beads are called beryl. It is also through the star fruit beryl and beryl that possesses its “hate of the sky” effect. Glitter of beryl glass.
Have the varieties
The sterile whites and whites are called emeralds, and their green color is due to the fact that chromium is added. Transparent blue rays, which are the color of a sea wave, are called aquamarine from the Latin words “sea” is the sea and “aqua” is water.
Therapeutic and magical properties of beryl
Medical projects: In ancient times with the help of beryl cured a large number of female diseases. There was a saying that, having challenged a stone in the year, it was possible to avoid uterine omission, and in the composition of the varnishes dental and malignant. Beryl bracelets protect against diseases of the ovaries and ovaries. Doctors-physicians of modern times rewarded their feet in case of disorders of the nervous system and chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
Magical props: Beryl is the guardian of family ties, family ties and friendly relationships between children and parents. It also does not allow the dirty energy to enter the house, which family members who come in anger, with bad spouse and new acts, can enter, and even with guests with serious pests. Instantly, the sterile dispels the negation of some kind, because he appreciates benevolence and peace more than anything in the world.
In addition, the magical properties of beryl are in the preservation of family values, preserving the stability of the financial and professional status of the owner. In case the owner of the stone is forced to cease work or ruin, he should necessarily go over the product containing the beryl and go to the crescent, the owner or companion, and add it. In litigation, the stone also helps to get the case to its owner.