First Aid for Animal Bites

In 2013, the World Health Organization noted that animal bites remain one of the most serious causes of not only morbidity but also mortality in all countries of the world. One of the most serious complications of a bitten wound is rabies, an acute viral disease that occurs in humans after the bite of an infected animal. Everyone’s ability to provide First Aid to the victim before the arrival of rescue services can play a crucial role in saving a person’s life. Erste-Hilfe Kurs Führerschein München was organized to teach people how to deal in case of an emergency.
Erste hilfe kurs münchen nord presents the following sequence of actions:
- Make sure you are safe.
- Isolate the animal, or remember its appearance, appearance, preferably – take a picture.
- Examine the victim and assess the severity of the injuries.
- In the absence of a deep wound and bleeding, rinse the wound well with soap and water, dry it with a sterile napkin and apply a bandage.
- If there is a deep wound, make every effort to stop the bleeding with a sterile bandage.
- Call an ambulance. Deep bitten wounds require surgery and suturing.
- Erste hilfe kurs münchen recommend not leave the victim until the arrival of medics.
The pathogen enters the human body with the animal’s saliva through the damaged skin. Erste hilfe kurs laimer platz notes that the incubation period lasts an average of 1-3 months, after which the first symptoms of the disease appear – depression, unexplained anxiety, insomnia, paralysis. After 1-3 days there is a state of excitement, which is characterized by riot with aggressive actions and hydrophobia (fear of water). After 2-3 days, the arousal is replaced by paralysis of the muscles of the extremities, tongue, face. Death occurs from respiratory paralysis and heart failure 12-20 hours after the onset of paralysis.