How Industrial Coatings Save The Papermill Industry From Billions Of Losses Every Year

When it comes to topics like corrosion, you have to understand that not all corrosion is created equal. It’s important to truly understand the different types of corrosion so that you can detect and prevent it before it’s too late.
The relationship between public safety and corrosion
Did you know that corrosion is considered one of the biggest hazards to public safety and human health? When any type of corrosion occurs, it can cause serious problems to our health and bring a company asset to the point of failure. Generalized corrosion is much easier to detect, giving you ample time to fix it. However, for Papermill corrosion, the harsh environment and chemicals used in factories present a big challenge for business owners.
Corrosion in the papermill industry
A total of $165 billion is spent on paper, pulp, as well as allied product industry supplies in the United States of America alone. This deals with about 300 kg of paper per person every year. More than 550 paper mills and 300 pulp mills support its production. It is without a doubt that pulp and paper are in-demand products.
Paper production consists of several processes and makes use of various pieces of equipment. A company involved in this industry must ensure that its equipment is working in optimal condition, which would mean making sure that papermill corrosion is detected early and prevented.
How is corrosion prevented?
Each manufacturing step is faced with a corrosion issue. The problem can vary depending on the quality and size of wood fibers, the concentration of treatment chemicals, materials used, and process water temperature. The pulp and paper industry is corrosion intensive, which is why using industrial coatings can help prevent this and ensure that your profits are intact.
Industrial coating is a type of covering (usually, polyurethane polymer or epoxy) used to cover concrete, steel, and other materials prominent in the pulp and paper manufacturing process.
Here are some of the benefits of utilizing industrial coating:
The properties used in making industrial coating can help prevent rust and corrosion.
It can help improve product aesthetics by adding a sleek finish while ensuring the integrity of your equipment.
Industrial coating can also keep the friction low, which would be helpful if you want to keep certain surfaces lubricated.
Industrial coating has abrasion-resistance features, which can add durability and prevent the wear and tear of your equipment.
When it comes to papermill corrosion, choosing the right coating can protect your equipment, minimize unexpected repair and replacement costs, and ensure that your company does not incur any loss. Look for industrial coatings that have been tested and proven to increase the comfort and safety of your paper mill crew.
Your paper mill crew deserves a place to work where they don’t have to constantly worry about dangerous heat and unexpected condensation from the equipment that they are using. Avoid costly equipment downtime by using the right coating to ensure that your product delivery is not delayed and quality is not compromised.