How To Host An Event With Zero Experience?

Hosting a party is no big deal with a minimum of experience. But beginners need to go the extra mile for hosting. Here are some tips for how to host an event an (การ จัด งาน อี เว้น ท์, which is the term in Thai) with zero experience:
1. Planning
Set aside at least a day to plan the event. The more time you have, the better your party will be. Suppose you’re in a hurry or only have a little time. In that case, using an online calendars service like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook can be helpful. It allows people to share calendars, see what everyone else is doing, and when they need to be somewhere else (like school).
Plan everything out ahead of time so there aren’t any last-minute surprises! When planning an event like this, remember that things can change anytime.
2. Involve Your Guests In Picking The Theme Of The Party.
It’s essential to involve your guests in the planning of your party. They will have an idea of what they like and can help you develop a theme for the party that fits their tastes.
Ask them questions such as:
What kind of food do you like?
What kinds of drinks do you like? (If it’s alcohol) Do they prefer beer or wine? How about cocktails? How about something that isn’t alcoholic – like soda water or iced tea? You can even give them options on how much to drink by asking, “How many glasses per person would be fine?” Or maybe ask, “What kind of music will we listen to while we eat?”
3. Food Planning
If you’re hosting a party, it’s essential to ensure the food is easy to eat and aesthetically pleasing. It would help if you also kept in mind that people will be eating at your event, so they need healthy options as well.
When choosing what type of food will be served at your next party or event, consider these suggestions:
Please make sure the portion size is small enough that most people can finish their plate without feeling full
Serve plenty of variety with different types of dishes (e.g., appetizers/snacks vs. main course)
Music is a great way to connect with your guests. It can be used to set the mood for an event, create a particular atmosphere and even help you create a certain mood.
If you’re nervous about hosting a party, don’t be! It’s perfectly normal to have some trepidation when throwing an event—but that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful. You need some planning and a little bit of courage. If you follow these tips, I promise your guests will love what they see and hear at your party!