How to Winterize Your Solar Panels

The winter season is a tough time for solar panels. Snow, ice and cold temperatures can cause your panels to generate less electricity – or even none at all. That’s why it’s important to protect your solar panels from snow and ice buildup with snow guards.
Snow removal is crucial to the ongoing performance of your solar panels. Snow and ice can cause damage to your roofing materials if you don’t have snow guards, which may lead to leaks, mold growth and other problems that can cost thousands of dollars to repair. In addition, snow will block sunlight from reaching your solar panels. This means they won’t produce as much energy as they would if they were clear of snow and ice buildup.
If you live in a climate that gets snow, you might find yourself with a roof covered in snow. If you have solar panels on your roof with no snow guards, this is especially important to clear off.
If you have a small amount of snow on your roof, you can use the roof rake to remove it.
A common mistake many people make is using a roof rake to clear the snow off their solar panels. This is not only bad for your panels, but also can lead to some very expensive repairs down the road.
The problem with using a roof rake on your solar panels is that they are made of glass and aluminum, both of which are susceptible to scratches. The small metal tines on the roof rake can easily scratch or pry off the glass layers on your panel, causing cracks or even shattering it completely.
The other problem with using a roof rake is that it puts pressure on the aluminum frame underneath your panel. That pressure can cause dents in the frame that will inhibit air flow through your panel, which reduces its efficiency and causes overheating when temperatures increase during summer months.
Snow guards can help keep snow from falling off of your roof and damaging your solar panels or other items on your rooftop. Snow guards are usually metal rails that are installed on a slanted roof to help prevent snow from sliding off the roof.
Snow guards can be used in conjunction with solar panels, since they help protect the solar panels from being damaged by falling snow. Snow guards also offer protection for other types of equipment on a rooftop, such as air conditioners, satellite dishes and antennas. If you have any questions about snow guards or need one installed, contact us today!
TRA Snow and Sun offers solar panel snow guards for residential and commercial use.