Introduction to Poker – An useful insight

Poker is a game in which people make bet, call, raise, check, or fold it to win the pot. There are many variants of this game having different rules. Players can play these games in casinos or online. People like to play the game online. Now apps are also available and one of them is joker123 apk. The app has many types of games and players can play the one in which chances of winning is more. Two to Fourteen players can play a game but mostly the number of players is six, seven, or eight. The player who has the highest-ranking hand wins the pot.
Poker is played with 52 cards in which there are four suits called spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. Each suite has the following cards.
- K
- Q
- J
- 10
- 9
- 8
- 7
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- A
Wild Cards
Each player in the game gets a chance of dealing the cards. The dealer also selects some cards as wild cards, which are introduced in a particular way given below.
This card is the fifty-third card available in a deck and used as a wild card.
The deck has 53 cards in which the joker is called a bug. This joker can be used as the fifth ace.
All four deuces can be used as wild cards.
One Eye
In the standard pack of 52 cards, kings of diamonds and jacks of spades and hearts can be used as wild cards.
How to play the game?
There is much similarity in playing different variants of poker and most of them are played in the following way.
This is the first step done in a game. A player picks up the deck of cards and deals among the players. The dealing starts from the player sitting to the left of the dealer and ends when a jack appears. The player who receives the jack becomes the first dealer. Any player can shuffle the cards but the dealer has to shuffle it again before dealing. The cutting is done by the player sitting to the right of the dealer.
Betting Procedure
After each dealing, players have to take one of these actions like check, bet, call, raise, and fold. The actions are also taken in a clockwise direction. Before dealing with the card, each player has to contribute to the pot and this contribution is called ante. Betting round comes after each dealing and the players have to call, raise or fold the bets as per the ranking of the cards. None of the players has the right to raise his bet. The betting round is completed after the last member of the group takes the required action. After the completion of the last round of betting, a showdown is done and the player who has the best hand wins the pot.
Wrapping Up
These are some of the basics of poker game but players will learn more when they play a particular variant.