Overwatch: Support Tier List | Season 18

Overwatch competitive season is coming to its end and it is the best time to sum up the effectiveness of each hero in this period of time. One of the most popular heroes is Moira and that is understandable. Remember how I talked about the Double Barriers meta? So do not be surprised with the overwhelming of Sigma and Orisa in this chart, they are too strong and the next balance patch will be released only with the Season 19 update.
Top Tier Supports in Overwatch
But the situation around healers is different, almost everyone is viable and they could find their own usage for this particular situation. But Moira is too strong among all of these heroes and if you will not pick her, you will put your team members into the disadvantageous position, so everyone at https://expertboosting.com are suggesting her as the best hero to boost Support role in Overwatch. Without the flexible ultimate that is excellent in both matters, in dealing damage and in healing allies, you could break through the barriers of enemies and keep your forces healthy enough to let them break the defensive line. But never forget about Moira’s weaknesses. If the double barrier meta will fade away, then players would not be gathered up and, in this case, Moira will not have a chance to fully open her healing potential.
Moira’s AoE healing potential is extremely reliable and one of the key factors of this Double Barriers meta in Overwatch to successfully smite any opponent on your way. But in an emergency situation she could be easily replaced with the one single-target support hero like Mercy, but she needs to be skilled enough to keep both of the tanks alive. If one of them dies, the whole strategy will be destroyed like a card-house. So Mercy is not an ideal replacement, her healing beam was nerfed with the latest patches and, in this particular case, she will not have spare time to use her damage amplifier to claim an additional advantage over enemies.
Lucio is the second-best support in this meta, even considering all these nerfes in the past. Thank god, that after releasing the role-lock Blizzard slightly increased his AoE range. The biggest mistake of the low ranked players is that they underestimating the Speed Up aura. Right now you cannot invent something better than the pair of Lucio and Moira if you want to keep your team alive as long as possible and be useful with your toolkit.
From time to time you may find a need to replace Lucio with one of the next heroes – Ana or Mercy, but disadvantages of Mercy I already highlighted above, so it is the time to talk about Ana. Ana once was a queen of healers in Overwatch, but then barriers appeared, her biotic rifle just cannot pierce through these shields and that is insanely decreasing her usability. She still could be count as a valid option but only you will master the positioning in Overwatch. Overall, you need to put too many efforts in Ana to make her work, it is much easier to quickly learn Moira and then enjoy the awesome survivability of this character. Her self-healing potential is insanely good and escaping ability could be used even to escape the Gravity Flux ultimate ability.