Thinking of Buying an Alternative Fuel Vehicle? a Natural Gas Car May Be the Right Choice for You.
Environmental concerns and the price of gasoline may have you thinking about replacing your current car with an alternative fuel vehicle. A fuel that has started to gain approval as a substitute for gasoline is natural gas. However, using natural gas to power motor vehicles is not new. It was first used as a fuel in the 1930s, but it is only with the recent increase in popularity of alternative fuel vehicles that automotive companies have started offering natural gas cars to consumers.
What Types of Natural Gas Fuels Are Available?
Car manufacturers are currently offering two types of natural gas fuel vehicles, compressed natural gas and liquified natural gas. The primary difference between CNG and LNG is that the former presents in a gaseous form and the latter comes as a liquid. This means that there are a few dissimilarities in the way in which they are transported and stored. As a result, CNG is more commonly available than LNG. This could be important if you are trying to decide which type of car to purchase. To see how many stations offer LNG near you, you can search LNG fueling stations California or LNG stations near me. Apart from these differences, the two fuels are very similar. They are both produced in the United States and they are both less expensive than traditional gasoline. They also emit roughly the same level of greenhouse gasses, when the total life cycle of the gasses are compared.
What Are the Advantages of Natural Gas Cars?
For budget-conscious consumers, natural gas cars offer savings at the pump. The price of natural gas can be as low as 40% of that of gasoline. Both LNG and CNG also burn much cleaner than gasoline. Using CNG, for example, can lower carbon monoxide emissions by up to 97%. As they are both produced domestically, their use reduces the country’s reliance on foreign oil imports.
What Are the Disadvantages?
While the cost of fuel may be less, the price of the vehicles using natural gas is typically higher. Though, this may be offset by the savings in fuel costs. They are also less available than traditional gasoline-powered cars. Moreover, as discussed above, filling stations may not be available in your area. This is important as the range of cars is slightly less than traditional vehicles. Finally, CNG and LNG pumps function somewhat differently from traditional pumps and this requires some acclimation.
CNG- and LNG-powered cars are becoming increasingly viable alternatives to traditional cars. Both the environmental and economic benefits make them attractive options. Nonetheless, as when purchasing any new vehicle, it is important to carefully examine your needs and circumstances before making a final decision.