This basic movement perfectly grows the mass of triceps!

Place two horizontal benches parallel to each other at a distance of one and a half meters. Sit on a bench and take the position of the backstop with your palms on its edge.
Feet your feet straight on the surface of the other bench. Remaining straight and with your hands on the edge of the bench, push the pelvis forward so that it is in weight.
Keeping your head straight, slowly bend your elbows and lower your pelvis to the floor. Lower yourself until your bent elbows are parallel to the floor.
At the bottom about Site, pause briefly and with the triceps force isolated, push yourself up to the starting position.
At the top point of the amplitude, additionally strain the triceps statically.
Do not fall too low, otherwise you risk injuring your shoulder joints.
To increase the intensity of the exercise, ask the partner to put a pancake on the lap on your lap. At the end of the set, he must remove it.
To seriously strain the triceps, lower yourself to the lower position, emphasizing slowly. This phase should last at least 5 seconds.
If the exercise is too difficult for you, start with a simplified version. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
Make this exercise the latest in the complex. If you perform it with additional weights, then put it at the beginning of the workout.
Do this exercise after bench presses and extension of the arms in an inclination.
If you use weights, then the second number after a narrow bench press.
Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps, resting between sets for 60-90 seconds.
Reverse push-ups make the following muscles work:
- Triceps muscle – Dorsal surface of the arm – Elbow extension
- Anterior deltas bundles – Anterior region of the shoulder, over the shoulder joint – Raise arms in front of you and cross
- Large pectoralis – Upper chest – Flattening arms in front of you
This exercise is performed both in the gym and at home.
The non-burdened version is used to draw the triceps, while the additional burden turns the exercise into a basic one and successfully grows the total mass of these muscles.
Back weights with weights are usually performed in the style of a drop set.
First, the partner loads you with the biggest pancake from the barbell or kettlebell, then a smaller kettlebell, etc.
The final set is performed with body weight.