Three Flexible Ways To Make Money on the Side
Whether you want extra funds for bills or some cash for a rainy day, a side job helps with those goals. You may have a main job or other responsibility that takes up most of your day. A part-time job working at a store, restaurant or other brick-and-mortar business may work for some, but you’re looking for something that is flexible on schedule or location. Here are some ideas to consider.
Use Your Voice
Have you been told that you have a pleasant-sounding voice? Consider lending your vocal talents to hosting a podcast, becoming a voiceover actor or narrating audiobooks. Podcasts and audiobooks are more popular than ever and getting started isn’t hard. Most work assignments can be completed almost anywhere and anytime as long as you’ve got the right equipment.
Work as a Notary Public
Notary publics serve an important function as they verify identities and witness the signing of important documents. Your own notary public business is a great way to earn income as you can earn over $100 per assignment. You’ll need to look up at your state’s requirements and consider what’s necessary in terms of driving and expenses such as notary public stamps. With this role, you can provide services in many different types of work.
Be Creative and Artistic
If you know your way around crafts and make items that people would like, you could sell them online on a website like Etsy. Perhaps you create digital content that has an audience. Start by blogging or hosting a YouTube channel. With enough of a following, you can generate income from visits or views. You could also start a content subscription service through a site like Patreon.
A side hustle is a good idea for nearly anyone who has the creativity, ability and means. These side jobs can be flexible, working around your existing schedule. A little ingenuity and passion can help you accumulate extra funds for your short- and long-term goals.