Tips to Clean Carpets

Floorings are in, but that never means Carpets are out of the league. Throughout the world, the most popular choice for flooring is carpet and rugs. There are hundreds of benefits of installing a carpet at your places like comfort; plush feelings, noise and heat insulator, and the list go on. Now with time, our eco-friendly friends find several choices in rugs according to their desire. People love the recyclable range of carpets in the market.
In an extensive list of advantages that carpet provides, you may find easy cleaning among the top few numbers. We are living in a busy world, and an item that gives us beauty but takes a long time to clean or cost heavy never suits our daily routine. You may be looking for something with no fuss properties along with beauty. The carpets are one of those pretty solutions for this issue. You might need a daily vacuum to clean your house. Sometimes few stains or damages need more than a simple vacuuming. Here I have arranged a list of tips to clean carpet for you that might help you remove those stains and damages with zero cost and quickest way.
Tips & Techniques
- A sticky chewing gum:
The first tip to clean carpet is about sticky gum. In a house with children, sticky chewing gum on rugs is not a new thing. It doesn’t only look bad, but it also affects the plush of the carpet. A broom or vacuum can’t peel it off. In this case, take a few ice cubes, press and rub it on gum for a few seconds. After removing it with the help of a spoon, you can also cut a few carpet strands to remove it along with gums stains.
- A club soda technique:
Suppose having a big party at your place that will involve food and drinks. Stains of juice and other soft drinks look bad on the carpet. You might face difficulty in removing these stains. Here is the solution; pour some club soda on the piece of cloth and blot the stain. It will start getting lighter and repeat the process until the stain disappears. Or you can go for white vinegar; sprinkle it on the stain and leave for 15 minutes. After that, take a clean sponge press on the stain to soak out all diluted stains and the cleaning solution.
- Blot don’t Rub:
Everyone wants their rugs and mats clean, and you may rush to rub and clean the stain immediately after you saw some stains. Stop your urge of rubbing as it damages your carpet fibers and stain might spread out. Always go for bloating it with the help of cleaning products. Also make sure to start cleaning from the outer edge, cleaning from center might cause the stain to spread more into the carpet.
- Grease stains:
Grease is one of the stubborn stains on the carpet, easy to spread and difficult to clean. A proper technique might make the process easy. Take some dish soap and drop a few drops into a cup of water. Mix the solution and pour it on the stain. Now take white paper or clean cloth to bloat it. You may need to repeat the procedure multiple times if the stain is big or old.
- Hard wax:
Wax stains are stubborn as gum and grease, and you may find it hard to remove it with wrong techniques. The simplest way to clean wax is to heat it again. Put a cloth on a particular place and press a warm iron on it. Now, scrape off the melted wax with a butter knife.
- General Stains:
You can quickly clear general stains with the help of shaving cream and vinegar solution. Spray shaving cream on stain leaves it for half an hour then take a clean cloth and blot it. After that, spray water and vinegar solution on it, and wipe it off with a fresh piece of fabric.
These tips can help you to remove stains and elements which are not easily wiped off. But if you want to keep your carpet looking fresh and new for a long time, go for deep cleaning from time to time. A little care daily never hurts.